Listening to morning progressive radio, hawking a show called History Unearthed on the H2 channel, starring a local boy, and geologist, Scott Wolter. Admittedly, the geologist part speaks well of him, yet the show is pretty standard conspiracy-ancient civilisation fare. Wevs, it's usually my speed, 'lone wolf redefines history against the whole weight of scientific consensus Mayan hollow earth giants Von Daniken'.
Mr. Wolter, an independent scientific test agent, has authenticated the Kensington Runestone. The host, Mr. McNeil, took advantage of having a scientific expert on the Kensington Runestone, to hammer on the 'squatchers. Again.
I believe in everything. The Kensington Runestone, not so much. Ignoring the fact that the provenance of the stone leaves a bit to be desired, like say, a provenance, and the fact that linguists, cunning though they may be, are all over the map on the text, I find it a little difficult to believe that after 10 members of a party of thirty were killed, fourteen days walking from their boats, that someone would take the time to carve out a block of fairly tough sedimentary rock, carve the story, and leave it upside down in the middle of bleedin' nowhere. Although the stone may in fact be real, the backstory of the find is wildly unlikely - sorry Olaf. Mr. Wolter believes the stone was carved by the Knights Templar - how much do you want to bet the Holy Grail is in Duluth?
Anyhow, I once again wrote of my displeasure to Mr. McNeil:
Mr. McNeil, Mr. Wonderful,
I listened to your 7:00 hour and your interview with Scott Wolter from History Unearthed. You introduced him as a man who had authenticated the Kensington Runestone, and spoke of his show as, well, unearthing the hidden wonders of history. Such as the European gravesite of a 12th century englishman in Arizona. Or Mayans in Georgia. You then took advantage of the presence of the mighty scientist to call people who believe, or hope that, Bigfoot exists, ie., me, stupid.
Now you're just trolling. Having fun?
Love, paleotectonics