Channel: Checking Out Your Shorts
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The Temperature Is Something Well Below Stupid

I had a number of errands that had to be done today:

  • Track down the last IonAuger in Minnesota. (I'm a dignified old man and do not need to cut holes by hand.)
  • Work on making my snowblower create noise and vibration and occasionally blow snow into my face. Maybe even clear the driveway and walk.
  • Repair a mailbox that more or less decided to escape the post and get into the warmer (slightly) garage. 
  • Convince my dog to use the backyard. He is reluctant, to say the least, leading to this conversation - (paleo)"Jackson, come on buddy, let's go out!" (Jackson) "OhboyohboyohboyoutsideoutsideoutsideHOLY FUCK!"(paleo)"Yeah, I know buddy, just go and then you can come in and sit by the heating grate." (Jackson) (pees and hits Mach 2 back to the back door)"Treats, dude, treats."
  • Watch the Packers. Revel in hate for the criminal Harbaugh, and Glenn Beck groupie Kipperneck. Hope to see them cry. Hope to see us win. These are equivalent goals.
  • Belly rubs for farting dog. Jesus, Jackson. 
Success for the first, and the last three, bulletpoints. The second two should wait for spring, but I should get to the mailbox tonight and the snowblower this week, need it for ice fishing vacation. Big lake. Kidding.

Imma watch the game, we're doing okay at the half, Dom Capers needs to be run through a colander to illustrate to him that his defense can't hold water. Asshole. Comment if you like, creative ways to maim the Fox Studio Crew are welcome. And the dreaded Aikman/Buck Illiteracy Hour.

UPDATE: John Kuhn for the TD, about 12 mins left in 4th. TD TV Timeout. Old Spice commercial with stalking mothers. What the fucking fuck.


UPDATE 2: And 2013 is closed. The offense showed enough fire to win a game, and the defense was not as bad necessarily as they have been, but still bad enough, especially on that last drive, to lose. Yeah, injuries by the assload, but still, Dom Capers needs to be taken out to a farm, where he can chase rabbits all day.

Here's to next year!

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