I've been sucky at the bloggish thingy,
I've ridden past Snowden. SNAP/teh Ag Giveaway To Worthless Rich Assholes Bill. Boating stuff, basement stuff, personal stuff. Music stuff. A young beer connoisseur, OBS, posting Flight 666 - Iron Maiden was my band, still remains one of my three. ZRM embarrassing the Milwaukee J-S with Summerfestblog. The forsaken, useless, dead (intellectually and, well, given the drought...) wasteland called Texas (an old hibernian word meaning "Nuke it from orbit"). A lot to say, but stuff.
Gotta interject on this a bit, quickly, though...
I'm sure these exact words have been written somewhere, but Imma rewrite them, credit them to whomever you wish.
It's open season on any Others. Anyone not a white guy with a 9mm penis is a target. The Republicans have had a refreshing taste of blood, and they do love it so. Hoverrounds everywhere had a spring in their, umm, wheel? Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity looked deeply into each others eyes, and expressing the love that hath no name, ordered Ann Coulter to read Ayn Rand to them.
Zimmerman, having won an ALEC issue, is suddenly going to find himself very popular and very lonely. Popular because he will be a FoxBot in 3..2..1... Lonely because, I don't know, he just doesn't seem to fit in at the country club. Well, maybe the greens crew.
I, however, would add 'goddammit', and also 'bastards', a sprinkling of 'motherfuckers', 'fuck it', 'fuggit', 'syphillitic whores', and an 'if this is justice, fuck it, we motherfucking bastards are at the mercy of the 27% society, the syphillitic whores who vote for these soulless gun-worshipping cowards, goddammit I hate republicans.'
Not entirely on topic, but somehow appropriate, not too many words would have to be changed:
I've ridden past Snowden. SNAP/teh Ag Giveaway To Worthless Rich Assholes Bill. Boating stuff, basement stuff, personal stuff. Music stuff. A young beer connoisseur, OBS, posting Flight 666 - Iron Maiden was my band, still remains one of my three. ZRM embarrassing the Milwaukee J-S with Summerfestblog. The forsaken, useless, dead (intellectually and, well, given the drought...) wasteland called Texas (an old hibernian word meaning "Nuke it from orbit"). A lot to say, but stuff.
Gotta interject on this a bit, quickly, though...
I'm sure these exact words have been written somewhere, but Imma rewrite them, credit them to whomever you wish.
It's open season on any Others. Anyone not a white guy with a 9mm penis is a target. The Republicans have had a refreshing taste of blood, and they do love it so. Hoverrounds everywhere had a spring in their, umm, wheel? Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity looked deeply into each others eyes, and expressing the love that hath no name, ordered Ann Coulter to read Ayn Rand to them.
Zimmerman, having won an ALEC issue, is suddenly going to find himself very popular and very lonely. Popular because he will be a FoxBot in 3..2..1... Lonely because, I don't know, he just doesn't seem to fit in at the country club. Well, maybe the greens crew.
Gretchen Carlson: "Thanks, Jorge, and we'll be looking to see your debut with H-h-h-eraldo H-h-hrivera on Fox Latino!...And..cut!"American justice system? I've read a couple legal analyses, primarily at LGM, stating that, on the legal merits, it was likely the right verdict. I respect their legal opinions, certainly I am not a lawyer, and also certainly, they are trying to be dispassionate and comment on the case as it actually took place.
sotto voce: "Now get him off my stage, goddammit, I have standards, and you're scarring my grandmother!
I, however, would add 'goddammit', and also 'bastards', a sprinkling of 'motherfuckers', 'fuck it', 'fuggit', 'syphillitic whores', and an 'if this is justice, fuck it, we motherfucking bastards are at the mercy of the 27% society, the syphillitic whores who vote for these soulless gun-worshipping cowards, goddammit I hate republicans.'
Not entirely on topic, but somehow appropriate, not too many words would have to be changed: