Channel: Checking Out Your Shorts
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There May Be A Reason We're Dumb

The latest Congressional approval ratings are out, and Congress is preferable to being shoved through a working jet engine, but not by much. 83% disapproval.

Doug Limerick this morning, para"Congress is disliked by both Republicans and Democrats, for different reasons, (and this now is a direct quote - paleo) but the dislike is bi-partisan."

Let's ignore for a moment the fact that he is clearly unfamiliar with Funk and Wagnalls. 

  • Some conservatives hate the Republican party because they have embraced (ie. not impeached) teh OBlahma
  • Some conservatives hate the Democratic Party because they are clearly commies, and are bound and determined to have the government take over Social Security, and try to feed people who really don't deserve it, and mix the bags of blood, Sharpton and Robertson, therefore causing the Singularity. Okay, Tea Baggers don't think that deep usually, first of all, 5 syllables. Second of all, 'think'
  • Some liberals hate conservatives because they are Evil. Yes, I am an example of the Straw Lib who thinks the conservatives are not merely wrong, but Evil. Stick 'em into a microwave until it explodes, leaving bits of burnt evil all over the kitchen
  • Some liberals hate the Republicans because DRONEZPATRIOTACTNSA
  • Some liberals (ie. me) are not fans of the Democrats because they, like the President, are endlessly conciliatory, ready to compromise before they make a proposal, have the spine of a slime mold, and because aforesaid libs (ie. I) are actual socialists. The only thing keeping them from being called Rockefeller Republicans is the fact that the last Rockefeller Republican is mounted on a wall in Limbaugh's den (no, the Beached One didn't do his own dirty work, he has a boil on his ass, he couldn't even go to Vietnam because of it. It was Ped Nugent.) is insult to injury
Goddammit. Bipartisan? Even on a feel-good story like this - why can't the free-est, bestest press on earth get things in the ballpark of reality?

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