Channel: Checking Out Your Shorts
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Steven Moffat Is A Double Crossing Weasel With A Heart Of Unproveablium

So. paleo, proud possessor of his own sonic screwdriver and the desire, ability, stated intent, and devastatingly good looks required to be the Twelfth Doctor, has been passed over by some hack.

With a spleen full of vitriol, and a keyboard full of Whiteout because I am uncapable of typing this morning, I announce my desire to be the
Eighth Master. 

In all seriousness, although I was rooting for Idris Elba, badass,

I've liked Peter Capaldi from back when he was Danny Oldsen in Local Hero, the polyglot assistant to Mac, with a crush on a mermaid, and in Neverwhere, Torchwood, and every BBC series since ever. The Doctor's dynamic will change seriously, he's 10 years older than I am and while there must be running, always running, the Doctors since the reboot have been very physical, up to and including Matt Smith being quintuple-jointed, apparently. The regeneration will be during the Christmas episode, and yes, I'll be there.

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